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2018/19. An Atypical season!

BECASSE  des BOIS: OUR EXPERTISE for the 2018/2019 SEASON.


The European breeding population.


After a complicated 2017/218 season not only in France but in all the wintering countries  . Given the low number of survivors observed when the hunt was closed, we knew that the breeding population would be affected. The confirmation came to us from the Russians who validated a significant drop in the number of males at the croule.


Weather conditions during breeding.


They were correct, particularly favorable during the critical period from mid May to the end of June, which seems more and more decisive for the success, the normality or the failure of a repro, without forgetting to grant to Russia a share. predominant with at least 70% of the breeding population.

The Age / Ratio hunting with record values which may surprise, would confirm a good reproduction which we predicted only quite good.


Fall Migration.


It was rather early with excellent weather conditions for weather, temperature, visibility, strength and wind direction throughout the migration. The cold and the snow gradually invaded the large breeding countries, sending almost all of the troops to the transit and wintering countries. Subsequently, the cold snap and the snow in the transit countries, in the North and the East, ended sending the remainder of the migrating herd to the wintering sites.

It is not possible this season to invoke the mildness of winter (which would have encouraged birds to stay further north), to justify a decrease in the European migratory number.

If there are or had been fewer Woodcock this season, it is quite simply because the European squad has or would have continued its downward trend.


Distribution and behavior of Woodcock.


Given the heterogeneous quality of biotopes, a consequence of recurrent droughts in the majority of the wintering countries, the phenomenon of concentrations has been amplified with well-endowed areas and almost deserts.

The scarcity of food for Woodcock, especially earthworms, has caused instability with permanent erratic movements of birds, especially young ones certainly in search of prey. It will be necessary to watch the weight mass, because in more and more regions the tendency is towards smaller Woodcock.

In general, good attendance in the middle or even high mountains until late in the season, but also a correct although heterogeneous attendance in the departments closer to the coast, in particular in Brittany.

As is often the case with this quality of biotope, Woodcock appear to be very wild and particularly pious, young and old alike. This did not prevent some hunters from finding "  soup kitchens  »Especially young people tired by migration, quite often pairons.

The percentage of withdrawals on the number of lifting, for the moment identical compared to the other seasons confirms this.  !

The last significant movements took place the last days of December and especially the first decade of January, then we had to do with the little "  wintering quarters  »For the majority of hunters.


The Indices Cynégétiques d'Abondance (ICA).


As we predicted the values of the ICA are breaking records.

Given the distribution of Woodcock, it is difficult for them to reflect the reality of the field.  ; those who had little or none no longer came out de facto distorting the results. Did the principle of communicating vessels work well?  ? Fewer Woodcock in one sector compensated by an increase in another equals stability. Less in one sector but stable in another equals a drop. We have to wait to get a more precise idea.

Information that has reached us from other major wintering countries Greece

Spain and especially Italy, confirm a very heterogeneous attendance again but quite good to good overall.


Concentrations ... Attention  !!


For those still too numerous, who want at all costs even in the denial that there are always so many Woodcock, the phenomenon of concentrations which is generalized and accentuated season after season is a godsend.

It gives the impression on certain sectors to the point of making it general, that there have never been so many birds and above all it makes you forget the deserts.  !

It artificially inflates the values of ICAs in the sectors concerned.

It accentuates the difference between the hunting and banding AGE / RATIO values to the point of no longer knowing if there is a good one.

In reality it hides the reality of wood, why  ?

Seeking and finding something to eat takes up at least 80% of the life of B of B. When prey becomes scarce in transit and wintering areas (consequences of recurrent droughts and reduction in biotopes), the places are spared constitute oases acting as a magnet, not only for the Woodcock but for all the fauna.

Under these conditions, to affirm that there are as many or more Woodcock is to disregard all these indicators.

We won't fall for it  !





From our point of view for the 2018/2019 season. Despite again this year a downward trend in the European breeding population 2018, the good breeding success has undoubtedly made it possible to have a European migratory number up slightly compared to the previous season.

If the withdrawals were not too high, which remains to be verified, we could have a stability or even a small increase in the European surviving number at the end of the hunt, and therefore in the 2019 breeding population.

Conditional it would be good news for the Woodcock and for us.


For France.

If we stick to the Ica values as a benchmark  (they risk breaking their records, as the Age / Ratio hunting) we could say that the numbers are increasing. Fortunately to protect the Woodcock we are not opportunists of blissful optimism, especially since the tendency to the weakness of the numbers surviving at the end of the hunt raises questions.

It's a decent season that will stabilize the European Woodcock squad this season, but not yet compensate for the declines ...



The hunting of the woodcock.

March 2019


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